Zak Acupuncture clinic,
Warwick Pharmacy, 34-36 Warwick Wy, Pimlico, London SW1V 1RY

Acupuncture for infertility (Its research only,not about Zak clinic)
The Tor Vergata University has conducted a new review of acupuncture as a treatment for infertility. The aim of the study was to review existing research on acupuncture in reproductive medicine in both experimental and clinical settings. The papers were retrieved from PubMed and Google Scholar, and were included in the review if at least the abstract was in English.
The study found that acupuncture can provide benefits when performed on the day of embryo transfer (ET) in terms of live birth rates. Additionally, acupuncture may be beneficial in treating female infertility caused by polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and there is some evidence that it can improve sperm quality in males with idiopathic infertility. The study also suggests that acupuncture effects are mediated by changes in the activity of the autonomic nervous system, and stimulation of neuropeptides/neurotransmitters which may be involved in the pathogenesis of infertility.
The conclusion of the study is that acupuncture has beneficial effects on the live birth rate when performed on the day of ET, and may be useful in treating PCOS and male idiopathic infertility, with very low incidence of side effects. However, further studies are necessary to confirm the clinical results and to expand our knowledge of the mechanisms involved.
In another study, a meta-analysis was conducted by researchers at the Center for Integrative Medicine, at the University of Maryland's School of Medicine, on the effects of acupuncture on IVF outcomes. The meta-analysis considered seven trials, which all together included 1,366 women. When acupuncture was performed on the day of embryo transfer, statistically significant improvements were found in the rates of clinical pregnancies, ongoing pregnancy, and live births. The study also found that 10 women would need to be treated with IVF and acupuncture to see one additional pregnancy.
Another study, often referred to as the "German study," found that when acupuncture was given 25 minutes before and after embryo transfer, 34 out of 80 patients got pregnant, whereas in the control group, only 21 out of 80 patients got pregnant.
Although there have been other smaller studies on the relationship between acupuncture and fertility, the results of these studies are controversial due to their small size. However, some of the possible connections between acupuncture and fertility found in these studies include improvement in sperm quality and counts in infertile men, improvement in the lining of the endometrium and increased blood flow to the uterus, regulation of hormone levels, specifically gonadotropin-releasing hormone, which in turn may improve ovulation rates, and increased production of follicles during IVF treatments.