Zak Acupuncture clinic,
Warwick Pharmacy, 34-36 Warwick Wy, Pimlico, London SW1V 1RY

Acupuncture for IVF support (Its research only,not about Zak clinic)
.According to new research on acupuncture and in vitro fertilization (IVF), there is some evidence suggesting that acupuncture may have beneficial effects on embryo quality during the early stage of oocyte recruitment. However, recent clinical trials could not replicate these effects, particularly in patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) who are undergoing IVF. The researchers applied acupuncture at specific points, including DU-20, REN-6, ST-29, SP-8, P6, LIV-2, and auricular acupuncture at Shenmen and Brain acupuncture points on the left ear and Uterus and Endocrine acupuncture points on the right ear. After embryo transfer, a different set of acupuncture points were applied, including LI-4, SP-10, ST-36, SP-6, K-3, and auricular acupuncture at the Uterus and Endocrine acupuncture points on the left ear and the Shenmen and Brain acupuncture points on the right ear. Another study measured the effectiveness of Sildenafil suppositories and acupuncture in thickening the uterus lining with good success during IVF. Four infertility patients who had failed to develop a uterus lining greater than 8 mm were given five acupuncture treatments at specific times during the IVF cycle and administered Sidenafil suppositories daily. All four women developed a healthy uterus lining greater than 9 mm after the treatments. Recent studies have shown that acupuncture increases the chances of conception by 65%, improves embryo implantation potential, and enhances egg quality.